Description: This was created based on a description of the accident potential zone in the 1993 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Study for Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility Washington (formerly Andrews Air Force Base). The boundaries of each zone was entered using ARC/INFO COGO. The associated attributes were added and the zones used to identify the potential for accidents as a guide for the intensity of development permitted based on the AICUZ Study.
Copyright Text: Source information provided by Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility Washington.
Description: This definition/description of Runway Airspace Imaginary Surfaces is from the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone Study, Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, December 2007, p.4-1 to 4-4.Runway airspace imaginary surfaces, in graphical form, are the result of the application of obstruction height criteria to Andrews AFB. Imaginary surfaces are surfaces in space around airfields in relation to runways. The surfaces are designed to define the obstacle-free airspace at and around the airfield. Refer to Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-260-01, Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design (, for a more complete description of runway airspace imaginary surfaces for Class B runways.
Description: This was created based on the digitized noise contours as found in the 2007 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Study for Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility Washington. The associated attributes were entered and the zones used to identify the noise impacts associated with development proposed in the vicinity of Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility Washington.
Copyright Text: Source information provided by Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility Washington.
Description: The Pre-Acceptance layer is a depiction of a tract of land that is under consideration for any DAMS application process. Pre-acceptance cases typically do not follow existing property lines and have been captured by COGO. Cases may or may not be accepted; if accepted, they will be migrated from the pre-acceptance layer to the respective case type layer.